Numerous women when they have just gotten married want desperately to begin a family. Unluckily life is not invariably tolerant to us and those plans are broken when the wife or the husband is considered to have health conditions that make this natural process inconceivable. But with today's technology and advancements in health care there are newer and improved ways to make this come about. There are several fertility treatments that one or both partners can utilise that will step-up their oppurtunity of having a baby. It is important to acknowledge that these processes do not constantly work for certain individuals. One of the most ordinary treatments is IVF. IVF - also known as in vitro fertilization - is a particular process that is rather simple and painless. This is usually utilised for women who have fallopian tubes that are inoperative, men who are infertile, or couples who have tried other treatments - but have been successful. This is one of the better fertility treatments to utilize because it has a better success rate. Visit to know more about IVF Doctors in Mumbai and IVF Treatment. During the operation the doctor will collect eggs from the woman and then sperm from the man. Before gathering the eggs they will prescribe the women special fertility drugs that will assist to stimulate the ovaries and to produce large amounts of eggs for them to pick out from. Once the egg and sperm are removed they will be situated inside of a lab dish where they will fertilize. After a few days has passed the doctor will put the embryo within the woman's uterus in the hopes of impregnating her. In order to discover if the procedure worked and to see if the woman is pregnant the doctor will do a pregnancy test. This test will be performed two weeks after the procedure is completed because it will be more correct. If the blood test is negative then the couple will be able to choose to utilise a different treatment or to try the IVF treatment again.
Information on the IVF Fertility Procedure