IVF is a very well known term in biological science, stands for In vitro Fertilization. Treatment is widely recognized and the baby born through this technique is known as test tube infant, as fertilization treatment takes place outside the womans womb. Generally IVF is offered simply because a primary treatment for infertility for women over age 40. However it may also be done in some other certain health conditions including ovulation disorders, damaged or blocked fallopian tube, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, a genetic condition, impaired sperm manufacturing or function, previous tubal sterilization or removal, premature ovarian failure, fertility preservation for tumor and unexplained infertility. This method of treating infertility in female along with male is considered as the most successful option available. Although it is never the first step in infertility treatment, instead professionals reserved for situations in which other treatments such as fertility drugs, artificial insemination and surgery have not worked. In case you think IVF might make sense for you, it is recommendable to assess any treatment center before undergoing the procedure carefully. Though it is the most prosperous infertility treatment accessible by enough time, there are some specific methods of an IVF routine carry risks such as: Ovarian hyper- stimulation syndrome: Fertility drugs like HCG (individual chorionic gonadotropin) are injectable to induce ovulation that can cause OHSS in which females ovary become swollen and painful. Mild abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating are some signs and symptoms of this syndrome. In case of pregnancy, symptoms might last several weeks. Rarely rapid pounds gain and shortness of breath can cause owing to more severe form of ovarian hyper- stimulation syndrome. Multiple Pregnancies Normally more than one embryo is implanted in your uterus to increase the chances of pregnancy. Sometime this will also raise the risk of multiple births and a maternity with multiple fetuses carries a huge risk of low birth pounds and early labor than the pregnancy with individual fetus does. Do check more related to IVF Cost in India and Affordable IVF Clinics. Pregnancy miscarriage The miscarriage rate for women who conceive using fresh embryos in IVF is similar to that of women who conceive naturally i.e. it is about 15- 20%. However this rate raises with the maternal age group. Additionally the risk of miscarriage may increase if using frozen embryos during IVF slightly. Premature delivery As per the research, In vitro fertilization slightly increases the risk of premature delivery or early labor or with a low birth rate. Ectopic pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized eggs are implant outside the uterus, usually in fallopian tube. And as a fertilized egg cannot survive outside the uterus, there is no way to carry on the pregnancy. About 2 to 5% of females who use IVF will have an ectopic maternity. Complications during egg retrieval procedure During egg retrieval treatment, an aspirating needle is used to collect eggs that could possibly result in bleeding, damage to bladder, bowel, a blood vessels vessel or contamination. Stress Going through IVF treatment can physically be, financially and emotionally draining. Proper counseling, close friends, family and your partner can help you throughout the downs and ups of infertility treatment.
Risks Involved in IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)