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  • ayushisingh2393

How to Lower Your Cholesterol With Tasty Snacks -Oats Muffin

How to lower your cholesterol needs to become an important part of your day to day eating practices in order to live a healthier, longer life and get to enjoy your loved ones in good health for years to come and this is certainly simple to accomplish as a goal with a few healthy and tasty techniques and treats.

Many of us know or at least had heard around the wonderful benefits of oats, and you probably know better the instant type, the actuality is that all oats are good, instant, rolled, flakes, etc. nonetheless it is also true that the concentration of soluble fiber is higher in one form than additional and in this regard nothing beats Steel Cut Oats.

This type of oats comes still grain shaped like and are subject to a grinding process with huge steel blades in which the grain is cut in two or three parts keeping the full nutritional value of a whole grain. the Beta- Glucans present in this soluble fiber are the main reason for its formidable cholesterol reducing effects in the body during the process of digestion binding bile to the gel type substance it forms in the digestive tract making your system take the cholesterol present in the bloodstream to produce more bile. Also Beta- Glucans slow down the entry of glucose in the blood making you feel full and less hungry for a longer period of time, and they include also superb antioxidant properties present in steel cut oats that makes this grain a wonderful food selection for you.

One way which can come pretty handy so that you can reap all the benefits of Steel Cut Oats and not be constrained by the need to cook or the unavailability to do it while you are at work, school, highway, gym, etc. Its by making it part of your snacks or desserts and that is one sure fire delicious way to bring its goodness with you by baking muffins that you can quickly carry around to enjoy with your lunch or just as a snack to get rid of that hungry sensation instead of going for that sugar coated donut at the office's break room.

The recipe I use can be modified to adjust to your taste and likings, I love to combine walnuts and almonds for some healthy polyunsaturated fats as well as a couple spoons of ground flax seed for extra fiber, lignans and omega 3 fats in the combine to convert my muffins into a power house of nutrition for myself, blueberries are other great addition for extra antioxidants.

I hope that you get hooked in this type of snacks, they are really tasty and their consistency its grainy and crunchy and irresistible to your palate plus the benefits to your health are so massive that the least that can be done its to give it a fair try!

Lower Your Cholesterol Steel Lower Oats Healthy Muffins Recipe

(Makes 12 Muffins)

2 Cups Steel Lower Oats ½ Glass Soy Protein 1 Tbsp Baking Powder ¼ Brown Glucose (You can substitute Honey or Stevia) 1¼ Cup Skim Milk ¼ Glass Slivered Almonds ¼ Glass Walnut Parts 2 Ripe Bananas, mashed 2 Beaten Eggs (two egg whites, 1 yolk) 3 Tbsp Olive Oil

Preparation: Preheat oven at 325 degrees. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Combine milk, bananas, eggs, and olive oil in a separate bowl, add to dry ingredients and mix or blend then. Range muffins pan with document baking cups and fill with batter. Bake for 15 to 20 mins.

This is just one way that you can make healthy snacks for you and your family but its just a matter of trying using your imagination and creativity and you soon will find lots of ways in which your snacks and desserts can help you lower your cholesterol.

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