An International Mobile Products Identification or IMEI amount is an unique 16 or 17 digit amount used in mobile phone tracking. The amount helps recognize the owner's place, incoming call links, and contacts. Almost every mobile phone provides one of the unique numbers, except for a huge amount of Chinese mobile phones. Many Chinese manufactured mobile phones lack an IMEI number because to keep production costs low. The mobile phones either have no amount at all or have a series of zeros. This makes it very tough to keep track of mobile phone users. If a terrorist got a keep of these mobile phones, the results could end up being very detrimental. "The IMEI numbers also gives details of other sim cards being used in the same handset. But, if it is a Chinese phone, getting these details becomes difficult," mentioned an established functioning with intelligence agencies. IMEI Number Tracker will help you easily to find your lost mobile phone. The government is in the process of banning the sale of these phones because IMEI numbers and sim cards are very important to track a mobile phone. Intercepting phone calls of these mobile phones are very difficult because calls cannot end up being traced from a phone that does not have got an IMEI amount. The issue was brought to the attention of TechInt (technical intelligence), which is a group of intelligence agencies in border areas. The agencies warned that there were several of these inexpensive, low quality Chinese mobile phones without IMEI numbers on the greyish market. There were Chinese smuggled handsets that have a dual sim card feature furthermore. In response to this warning, new software is needed. Service suppliers of mobile phones have got to load all of the Chinese mobile phones without an IMEI amount with new software, giving them an unique IMEI amount. The owners of the mobile phones shall have to pay for this software. Throughout the next two a few months, owners of these Chinese mobile phones without IMEI numbers must load the special software to give it an IMEI number. If owners do not load the software by the deadline, they will no longer receive mobile phone services.
Mobile Phone IMEI Amount Required to Trace