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New Mobile Technology - Do you know the New Technologies and HOW DO I Utilize Them?


The world of cellular technology is really a changing landscape quickly, with manufacturers vying to fulfill the mobile users' increasing hunger for new features and better equipment at reasonable cost in a viciously competitive market.

So what's fresh? Who hasn't heard about the most recent incarnation of the very most successful, plus some would argue the very best still, mobile touch mobile phone - the Apple company 3G S. It's quicker, has more storage, an improved camera that may take videos, voice control, maps, access to the internet - the list continues on. It is also now cheaper.To know more about IMEI technology you can visit and Track IMEI India

Next up we've Mobile VOIP: Tone of voice Over Internet Protocol - a way of making a telephone call from your own 3G enabled mobile online to carry the decision instead of the cellular network as you usually would. The primary advantage may be the cost - because so many access to the internet is on a set cost, you may use this technique to call else on the planet with an web connection anywhere. Savings could be huge; for international calls particularly. Currently Skype (well-known for PC to PC phone calls), TruPhone and a new ongoing organization called Fring provide a mobile VoIP assistance for 3G smart phones.

But how will be the mobile providers likely to match people's ever increasing need to watch movie and TV go on their devices? The existing batch of 3G (3rd Generation) devices are alright, but have their restrictions. So, in development may be the 4G (4th Era) mobile. This can give the consumer not only top quality on-demand movie streaming (for TV), but usage of broadband internet also, video chat and quick download of songs and video content. An excellent mobile entertainment middle for individuals who live their existence out of a suitcase.

Lastly, a fascinating, yet possibly irritating craze is rolling out taking advantage of probably the most used top features of mobile technology - Blue tooth. Initially intended being an easy way two Glowing blue tooth enabled devices could exchange messages and information over brief distances wireless, it now comes with an added function: 'glowing blue jacking'.Get more knowledge about Mobile technologies here .

'Blue jacking' merely involves delivering un-solicited (and anonymous) messages to some other person's device within selection of the perpetrator. One normal 'blue jacker' was quoted as stating, "The priceless expression on the facial skin of my initial victim as he attempted to work out that which was going on has turned me right into a regular glowing blue jacker." That said, there are simple methods to prevent yourself being 'jacked' - switch off your Glowing blue tooth if you are not deploying it: don't create your gadget discoverable - but lots of people don't bother.


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