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How to Gain Emotional Mastery - They Key to Self-Mastery


It has happened to the best of us. Some relatively minimal incident happens that upsets or displeases us and we notice ourselves overreacting as if we had been struck by a major catastrophe. For some it may be isolated occurrences but, in some cases, it's almost a way of life. What causes that, and how can it be prevented?

First it must be understood that the incident that provoked the exaggerated reaction is in no way responsible for the response. The incident was just a catalyst in the situation. Had it not been for that particular incident, another one would have had the same result. The stage was established. All that was needed had been a spark to set it off.Get more info about here Corporate Training Mumbai and Motivational Seminars .

Exaggerated reactions are used as an escape from boredom or frustration. It is an extremely toxic solution to solve the problem. It's like trying to put out a fire by spraying gasoline on it. The boredom and frustration will be drowned in the ensuing drama, but nothing at all is gained. A bad circumstance his being made worst.Need more info about How to be Master Emotionally then click here.

Unfortunately, in some cases, it will become a modus operandi. Boredom or frustration strikes, a minor incident happens and a major drama becomes actuality. Not only does it influence the person involved but it also has a perverse effect on all those unfortunates who happen to be involuntary involved in the incident.

What is the answer and what it the treatment? First there has to be an recognition of the process explained here, private responsibility for the reaction must be accepted then. So long as the reaction is usually blamed on the incident, not much can be achieved except to let time takes it course. However, when responsibility is accepted, a solution becomes possible.

Next, a pattern interrupt has to be instigated. In order to understand what a pattern interrupt is and what it does, a few explanation into the physiology of feelings is necessary. Every emotion sets up a very specific electrical circuit in the neurons of the brain. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the circuit and the much longer it shall last and, provided that it lasts, the emotion shall be felt.

There are two ways that the emotion's circuit can be turned off. One is time and the other a pattern interrupt. A pattern interrupt is usually anything that will set off another circuit in the brain that is as strong as the one that we want to notice terminated. It can be done through intensive physical activities and it can be achieved by getting deeply involves in some other point of curiosity. In other phrase, a pattern interrupt is anything that will distract the mind and push it to focus on something else.

Once the process involved in the overreaction is understood, responsibility for the reaction is recognized and a pattern interrupt is implemented, normalcy will be restored and empowering emotional behavior will return.

We have the choice. We can let our emotions dominate us or we can learn to master our emotions. Emotional mastery is really a sign of maturity and one of the most important faculty on the road to self-actualization and self-growth. It is said that someone who is only influenced by outside situations is not much better than a robot. We have to power to chose what those outside influences mean to us and to decide what we will do about it.

Emotions are the driving forces of lifestyle. They can lead to great achievements as they can lead to self-destruction. He who provides learned how to master his emotions is in control of his life. Not an easy feat to accomplish but one that is more than well worth the effort and one that, like any other mastery, is acquired one step at the right time through the accumulation of small but meaningful victories.


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