There are nine essential ingredients that consistently crop up in creating high performance teams. Things a Leader Can Do To Energize and Motivate Employees To Extraordinary Performance:

1) Communication: Open, honest communication between team members and the team head about an organization's vision and clearly defined goals. Not to mention a team head needs training in people skills and how to manage people successfully. Most team leaders are promoted based on their "hard skills" or technical skills, but it doesn't mean they can create high performance teams.
They must become effective at communicating, listening and resolving conflict. And everyone on the united team needs training in conflict resolution and how to be an effective communicator. Each team member has been raised differently from childhood with regards to what's acceptable communication. So training helps to keep the team head and team members on the same page. The key is in becoming tactfully direct.Need more info and training about How to build a team then click here Best Corporate Training Companies In India and Corporate Training In Mumbai
2) High performance teams possess purpose and direction. They have defined goals clearly, objectives and responsibilities. When I go into a business and conduct team building training, team leaders tell me at all times how important it is for teams to understand their roles, expectations, and responsibilities. Team members wish to know what specific targets and objectives they're getting evaluated on.
Make sure the performance objectives are measurable, quantifiable, and in writing for accountability. Have got goals and objectives for the team as a whole as well as for each team member and include everyone on these goals.Get more info about team building here .
3) A key component to high performance teams is active participation, accountability and sense of ownership on the team leader's end along with from the team members. Being a more powerful leader means being an involved head. Participation and ownership also pieces a precedent for what's expected of each team player - teamwork. One contributor to low team morale is usually when one or two team members hide out in the success of the rest of the team. Everyone else is doing the task. I guarantee you this is not going unnoticed. Hold everyone to the same high standards. Start taking progressive disciplinary activity if a team member is not doing his or her job. If you don't take progressive disciplinary action you'll lose credibility as a team leader who enables poor performance.
Effective Team Leaders Are Listeners
4) Confidence between team members and the team leader. Effective team leaders are listeners. They solicit suggestions and listen to employees' worries and suggestions. It's difficult for a team to be successful if there isn't trust between the team members and the team leader. Always do what you say you are likely to do.That one thing you promise your team that you can't deliver will be the one thing they remember.
5) Strong, effective leadership filtering down is essential to effective team building and creating high performance teams. A team leader must possess the ability to coach. Having a "coach mentality" and helping team members to grow, develop and mature is a necessary skill. It's part of your job! Don't do everything for your team members otherwise they never ever learn to do items themselves. Even if you're thinking, "Properly, if I want it done right I would as well do it myself. " Look at the word "team leader." You are there to lead.

6) Proper assets, funding and teaching necessary to complete the job. Do you have the right people for the job? Your people are your most important resource. Have they been properly trained? Do they have the right equipment to do the working work effectively? Training is an important part of team leadership and building.
7) High performance teams believe in equality and a shared vision, shared sense of purpose. Everyone has a sense of inclusion. Everyone treats each other equally, fairly and objectively. The whole team is included in goals and even social events.
8) Respect. The team head has respect for the team. This boosts the confidence of the united team members. They have respect for each other which leads to increased morale, productivity and a high performing team.
9) Willingness to share job knowledge, skills, and ideas. The team leader is the role model. If you're willing to share knowledge and ideas, you're training your team to do the same. Better yet, include "willingness to share job knowledge, skills and concepts" in team people' performance reviews. If they know they're getting evaluated on these elements, they're more likely to perform.