Having a pimple-ridden face can diminish your confidence. Some people who used to have bright, colorful personalities slowly faded into the background because of pimples that started appearing out of the woodwork. Then these ugly pimples eventually turned into vicious scars, ruining their once beautiful faces. This has caused a huge blow in their self-esteem, making them more self-conscious and shy towards other people.
Before this ever happens to you, you must seek treatments on how to get rid of pimple marks as soon as possible. Thanks to modern science, you now have numerous options available at your disposal. Because of the sheer number of people lining up in dermatology clinics, these treatments are now more affordable than ever. Yes, you will go under the knife, but it's not something as serious as having your kidney removed. also know more about Also know more about How To Remove Pimple Marks and How To Remove Pimples At Home
1. Consider chemical peel. This is appropriate for people whose pimple scars aren't very deep. It involves applying a strong solution to your skin to exfoliate and slowly take off the dead layers hovering over the younger skin below. While many people do this at home, it would be best to see a dermatologist so he or she can examine the texture of face and recommend the most suitable brand.

Aside from peeling away the ugly skin on top, it also helps reduce wrinkles and pigments around the edges. Because of the nature of the chemicals used, you will undergo mild symptoms such as dryness, irritation, and redness. But in a few weeks' time, all of these will be gone and you will be sporting a fresher, more youthful face you never imagined possible.
2. Have augmentation performed. This may not be very familiar to you, but then again, augmentation is one of the most advanced treatments around. During this process, the doctor will inject fat from other areas of your body directly to the scars itself. In some cases, your doctor may opt to use collagen instead.
The good thing about this treatment on how to get rid of pimple marks is it only takes few hours to see the results, and you won't have to go through all the symptoms that other treatments cause. But the downside is, it also takes a very short amount of time before everything falls off and go back to the original texture. This means you will need to see your doctor again in six months or so.
3. Try dermabrasion. You pretty much have heard of this method as this is actually well-known even outside of dermatology circles. The doctor will simply sand off your face to get rid of topmost layers. If your skin complexion falls between very dark and very light, you may have to consider other options as it may not be as effective.